
We envision a South Africa where citizens are well-informed about civic responsibilities, empowered to make better political choices, and are actively engaged and committed to shaping the shared destiny of our diverse society - the South Africa we deserve.

Our Commitment: To ensure that all South Africans understand that nation-building is a long-term process that requires sustained commitment, engagement and patience. It often takes years, if not decades, to achieve meaningful progress. We, the People, must actively pursue this commitment through taking part in elections, continuous conversation with our public representatives and through holding our public representatives accountable.


Our mission is to empower South Africans with the knowledge, skills, and values essential for active citizenship and civic participation. Through comprehensive civic education programs, we aim to foster a united and informed citizenry committed to democratic principles, social responsibility, and inclusive nation-building.

By promoting critical discourse, ethical leadership, and community engagement, we strive to contribute to the development of a resilient and harmonious society, where every citizen plays a vital role in shaping the present and future of our country.

  • To mobilise citizens to continuously participate in democratic governance and elections.

  • To convene South Africans, both at home and abroad to identify and agree upon key national priorities.

  • To work towards the establishment of a capable and trustworthy government which is willing to collaborate and co-govern with the people, by creating enabling environments for community-led solutions to thrive.

  • To champion nation-building to create a clear national identity which sets South Africa on a reset and reconstruction of its social fabric.